Check your reality! Are you doing your Suryanamaskar right?

Suryanamaskar : Stay clear of these common blunders

In the midset of grueling exercises that can be extremely exhausting, Suryanamaskar or Sun Salutation is a slow, meditative sequence of steps that provides a great cardio exercise. But, it is useful only if it's executed correctly, consistently and gracefully. 

MISTAKE 1: Not warming up

If you're a pro in performing Suryanamaskar it is okay to start directly with the movements, however when you're less agile, it's important to start with a mild warm-up, like stretching as well as joint rotation. When you're done with your workout, you can end the session with a few stretches that relax.

MISTAKE 2: Exaggerating the amount of people you have

There are many who master the techniques and fixate on increasing the number. They don't know that 12 cycles performed with a smooth flow is more efficient than 100 completed in a hurry. Also, increase your posture while trying to improve the number.

MISTAKE 3: All things in one sitting

The majority of people complete all cycles at once in fear of losing the momentum should they cease between. However, what they don't realize is that it's okay to break for a moment. Although creating momentum can make it more convenient, it's not a good idea for the duration of the sequence.

MISTAKE 4: Failure to complete the cycle completely

The traditional practice is that after having completed the postures you must return to the namaskar position before beginning the practice over. Many people skip the namaskar step.

MISTAKE 5: Alignment errors

You're not achieving the perfect transition from cobra to plank. You're in cobra posture however your arch isn't right. Suryanamaskar is a 12 step process and each step requires your concentration. Every posture needs to be perfect.

MISTAKE 6: Focusing on breathing is not enough.

Breathing is a crucial aspect of any fitness routine, and it is even more important in yoga. Suryanamaskar isn't only about the 12 postures, but also the coordination of breath for every posture. In the rush, many people do not think to breathe, and this reduces the benefits tremendously.

MISTAKE 7: Speeding through it

The last but certainly not the least, be careful not to rush through the cycle. Suryanamaskar is a continuous journey therefore it is crucial to complete it in a graceful manner. A few people who have excellent technique is far more effective than 100 with poor technique.


This information should not be regarded in lieu of physician's guidance. You should consult with your doctor for further information.

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